Scriptcase autosize form
Scriptcase autosize form

Re: How to fix textarea resizing bottom corner? Mark as answer if I helped. How to fix textarea resizing bottom corner? Print Share Twitter Facebook Email. The problem was, the script tags that link to those. We offer free tutorials in all web development technologies. Getting rid of the padding seems to fix the issue on FF but not IE I still can't resize the textarea in IE The transition of the box also not working inside of FF I'm still trying to figure out. If you need space around the outside, use margin. Why do you need this? Padding is inside, do you really need padding in a text area? And here's what it looks like under IE 10 - noticed there is nothing to resize the textarea box. And here's what it looks like in FF v22 - noticed the highlighted area where the user's mouse would grab and resize the textarea box.

Scriptcase autosize form