First, compare the prices of similar vehicles from different sellers by researching on or any other automotive marketplace this will help you to determine the market value of the car you are selling. Successful pricing of pre-owned vehicles for resale requires a little time and patience.

It is also recommended that you locate all associated documents like a certificate of title and/or registration and odometer disclosure statement to provide additional information about the vehicle being sold. If you are unable to find the VIN number, you can always find it on the vehicle’s Title or Registration. This number is unique to each vehicle and can be found on the driver’s side windshield or inside where the door meets the vehicle. For used cars, you will need to compose a description of the vehicle sufficient to identify it, including a vehicle’s make, model, color, year, body type, and its vehicle identification number. Our local team can work with most major insurance companies including Medicare.Tips on How to Make a Bill of Sale For a Carīefore writing a bill of sale for a car, you should gather all the necessary information. OSF Home Medical Equipment is able to handle all your insurance billing. We spend as much time as needed and we make sure patients and caregivers know how to The OSF Home Medical Equipment team takes pride in educating patients on each piece of equipment. We have professional staff across Illinois who address patient needs, and are happy to serve you in your home or one of our convenient office locations. Our respiratory therapy team works alongside OSF doctors to support the best treatment plans for patients.

Our qualified staff is available 24 hours a day to answer your questions or help with an emergency. Let OSF Home Medical Equipment help you or your loved one remain safe and independent at home.